BALDUR Medical Devices

"Our medical research and development team includes occupational therapists, physical therapists, and other professionals. With extensive clinical experience, we design and develop assistive devices tailored to stroke patients."
medical device experts
"Our team of medical device experts specializes in developing rehabilitation aids for hands and feet tailored specifically for stroke and brain injury survivors.
We understand that life changes dramatically after a stroke, and returning to your previous lifestyle may not be possible. It's normal to feel disbelief, sadness, anger, disappointment, and helplessness. However, despite these emotions, you still have the ability to live independently. Bardell's assistive devices assist in effective rehabilitation training, helping you regain a quality life."
We understand that life changes dramatically after a stroke, and returning to your previous lifestyle may not be possible. It's normal to feel disbelief, sadness, anger, disappointment, and helplessness. However, despite these emotions, you still have the ability to live independently. Bardell's assistive devices assist in effective rehabilitation training, helping you regain a quality life."